Beef Stew Recipe

I made a beef stew today. I didn't expect it would turn out to be so delicious. Take a look a the photos below.


  • olive oil
  • 0.3kg beef strips
  • 2 mid-sized onions
  • 1 .33cl bottle of Murphy's Irish Red
  • 1 tomato


  • salt
  • pepper
  • basil
  • red paprika (it would be even better if it was smoked paprika)
  • a couple of chili peppers


I put the two sliced onions on a preheated pan with olive oil and added salt. When they turned yellow, I put the meat on top and closed the pan. Shortly there after I also put one sliced tomato on top of everything and let everything boil a little.

Once I was sure the meat was cooked I put in all of the above mentioned spices. I don't remember the exact ratio as I used my taste to guide me.

Just before the whole sauce evaporated I poured in around 0.15cl of Irish Red and let it cook a few minutes more.

And that's it!